Unique schools with an identity of their own

Education is one of the cornerstones of the society we live in. High-quality educational environments are essential, and we believe that the surroundings in which people gather knowledge can motivate, stimulate and encourage them as well as provide the peace and quiet they need for studying. In our vision an educational building should support the teaching functions and provide a high-quality educational environment. DP6 has gained ample experience in the design of educational buildings of every level, and our portfolio includes primary schools, secondary schools, professional training institutes, colleges and universities.


We consider it very important for a school building to match the teaching concepts, the user requirements and the educational views of its users right from the very first sketches. Every school has an identity of its own, with its own outlook and its own methods. As the designers, we think it is essential as well as interesting to partner with the users to investigate how a school’s specific beliefs impact the design of a new building, and vice versa, how the building facilitates its intended use and supports the educational concept. We come to listen as well as to challenge, and we will bring our full expertise to bear in order to create the kind of high-quality, functional and sustainable educational buildings that users can be proud of.



To pupils and students a school forms a world of its own, a community within our society. In a world where the use of social media continues to rise, school remains the place to meet, to work and to interact. In our designs we create the places to meet, work and interact by establishing a visually appealing environment offering transparency, visibility and vistas.

Education is not a static process, and educational principles as well as teaching methods and means can – and will – change over time. An educational building must therefore be flexible in order to ensure a long service life. In all our educational projects we ensure that spaces can be used for different purposes and that the building offers the flexibility to adapt it to new uses.