DP6 architectuurstudio, with its registered office at Doelenplein 6 (2611 BP) Delft, the Netherlands, is responsible for processing personal data as described in this privacy statement.

Contact details:
Doelenplein 6, 2611 BP Delft, the Netherlands, Tel. +31(0)15-2120110, www.dp6.nl, info@dp6.nl

Personal data that we process
DP6 architectuurstudio processes your personal data when you use our services and/or provide the data to us. Please find a summary of your personal data that we may process below:

- (business) name and address details
- first name and surname
- gender
- position
- telephone number
- email address
- financial data (of our creditors and debtors)

What do we process your personal data for?
We offer a digital newsletter to inform anyone interested of our projects and other news. Your email address is added to the list of subscribers only with your consent. Every newsletter includes an unsubscribe link. We process your email address and, if provided by you, your business name, first name and surname for that purpose.

Business contacts:
Personal data of our business contacts are processed to ensure that our products and services are supplied properly and effectively. The personal data are collected and processed for the following purposes:

- to allow you to use our services;
- to establish and maintain a business relationship with you; 
- to allow us to invoice you and administer the payments; 
- to inform you of our services and other activities
(for example by email, invitations for events, newsletters and our yearbook).

Job applications:
To decide whether a job applicant will be hired or to respond to an application letter, we process the following personal data:

- first name and surname
- email address
- place of residence
- gender
- date of birth (if provided).

Data of any job applicants who do not get a position are deleted four weeks after conclusion of the application procedure at the latest. With an applicant's consent, data of that applicant may be kept longer with a view to a future vacancy. We then store the data for a period of six months after the conclusion of the application procedure.

Automated decision-making
DP6 architectuurstudio does not use automated decision-making processes to take any decisions that could have (material) consequences for individuals. This involves decisions taken by computer software or computer systems without any human involvement (for example, an employee of DP6 architectuurstudio).

How long do we store personal data?
DP6 architectuurstudio does not store your personal data any longer than strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data are collected.

Sharing personal data with third parties
DP6 architectuurstudio does not sell your data to third parties and only discloses them to third parties if that is needed for the performance of our agreement with you or to comply with a statutory obligation. We enter into processing agreements with any businesses that process your data on our behalf, in order to guarantee an identical level of security and confidentiality of your data. DP6 architectuurstudio remains responsible for that processing.

Cookies and Google Analytics
Only technical and functionality cookies are used on DP6 architectuurstudio's website. The Google Analytics service uses those cookies to collect statistics of our website. This is done by the Google company. Read more about Google's privacy policy here: https://www.google.com/intl/nl/policies/privacy/
The statistics show visitor and click behaviour on the website. We use them to optimise the information that is shown on the website. DP6 architectuurstudio does not provide those data to third parties.

You may unsubscribe from cookies by changing the settings of your web browser so that it no longer stores cookies. You may additionally clear any previously stored information by changing your web browser settings.

Access to, correction and erasure of data
You have the right to access or correct your data or to have them erased. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing or to object to your personal data being processed by DP6 architectuurstudio, and the right to data portability. This means that you may request us to forward the personal data that we have of you as a computer file to you or to any other organisation identified by you. You may send a request for access, correction, erasure or data portability of your personal data or a request for withdrawal of your consent or an objection to the processing of your personal data to info@dp6.nl.

DP6 architectuurstudio would also point out that you have the possibility of filing a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the national supervisor. Please use the following hyperlink if you do: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons

How we protect your personal data
DP6 architectuurstudio takes the protection of your data seriously and has adopted suitable measures against improper use, loss, unauthorised access, undesired disclosure and unauthorised changes.

If you have the impression that your data are not protected adequately or there are signs of improper use, please contact us on info@dp6.nl.