Tower and White Villa in the race for the Willem Diehl Award 2023


The 'Tower' and the 'White Villa' on the ENKA-campus in Arnhem are nominated for the Willem Diehl Award 2023! RijnIJssel's creative departments are housed in these two buildings that date from different time periods and could not be more different. Yet they now function as one vibrant, creative education building, in which anything is possible. DP6 based the design of the transformation on the existing qualities of the buildings and created unity and tranquility.

This fall, Architecture Center CASA is organizing the ninth edition of the Willem Diehl Prize, Arnhem's architecture award for restoration, renovation, transformation and redevelopment. The finalists are competing for the jury and audience award.

Do you think the Tower and White Villa deserve the award? Then cast your vote on the CASA website.

Or view the design first.

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