New town hall gives positive boost to Winschoten


DP6 architecture studio and Zenber architects are jointly designing the new town hall of the municipality of Oldambt. The employees of this Groningen municipality are now working spread out over various locations. At the end of 2023 they will all be working together in a new, sustainable town hall in the center of Winschoten, next to the town hall dating from the beginning of the last century. Collaboration and connection will form the foundation of the design. The public functions and the council chamber will also be located in the new building.

The new town hall is part of the De Poort van Winschoten plan; the completion of the renovation of the southern center area of ​​Winschoten, which will make the center more attractive and future-proof. Alderman Erich Wünker is looking forward to the collaboration with DP6 and Zenber: “We are pleased that we were able to select such good, experienced parties with whom we can start immediately. That means that we are another important step further.”

In addition to DP6 and Zenber, the design team consists of Van Rossum Ingenieurs and Nelissen ingenieursbureau. The design process has already started.

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