DP6 Design Team selected for Utrecht University's Inner-City Education Centre


In the heart of Utrecht, the new Education Centre of the Utrecht University will soon rise. The buildings located at Achter de Dom 20, 22-24, and Achter Sint Pieter 25 and 27 will together form the future centre. During its realization, these four university buildings will be merged to create a single, new educational facility.

The listed monumental buildings will undergo extensive renovation and refurbishment, with Achter Sint Pieter 25 being demolished to make way for a new structure.

The Inner-City Education Centre will serve as a connector between the different buildings in the Transcluster and will provide more high-quality educational spaces at a central location in the city. The complex will include not only workgroup rooms, project spaces, and areas for self-study but also spaces for socializing and collaborating. It aims to be an inviting hub for meeting, learning, and knowledge exchange, fostering a seamless integration of education and research, and promoting collaboration beyond boundaries.

The integrated design team led by DP6 won over the EU tender’s evaluation committee with their vision: "an approach based on a clear and compelling vision that connects and highlights the past, present, and future. DP6's vision places a strong emphasis on sustainability and circularity," stated the committee.

In addition to DP6, the design team includes Pieters Bouwtechniek, Galjema, LBP|Sight, Bureau Vlaardingerbroek, and HI-Plus.

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