Dick de Gunst becomes a partner of DP6 architectuurstudio


A year after his appointment as architect-director of DP6, Dick de Gunst has also become a partner of the bureau. He joins Richelle de Jong, and founders Chris de Weijer and Robert Alewijnse as the fourth shareholder.

Dick leads the bureau together with directors Richelle de Jong and Dardo Mantel. Looking back over this first year, Dick says: “DP6’s ambition to make high-quality architecture for the user, to create great places that inspire people, suits me perfectly. I’m delighted to be able to contribute to that. I hope that my experience, such as with the renovation of gallery-apartment buildings, and my expertise with museums can help further expand DP6’s field of work.” Richelle de Jong: “Dick’s strength is that he searches out added-value for each project, and brings sophisticated, original solutions that reach beyond the expectations of both clients and users. He’s already demonstrated this several times over the last year, for example in our winning project in Eindhoven.”

Interested in Dick’s ideas and inspiration? Feel free to make an appointment with him, via Fay Verplancke: 015 – 212 0110, or info@dp6.nl.
