Connection with history and landscapes in new town hall Rheden


On the border of Veluwezoom and IJsselvallei, on a flat part in the rolling green landscape, lies the outdated town hall of the municipality of Rheden. It is a strategic place with a lot of history, where the inn and later the famous hotel 'De Engel' was located from the 17th century. It is clear that the new building must also be located at this valuable location. The advantage of this choice is that the basement of the old building can be reused.

The new building is a unique opportunity to give the municipality of Rheden a new face: open, transparent and hospitable. A town hall that stimulates encounters and where people can collaborate in a pleasant, safe and healthy work environment. The unique scenic location and rich history of this place form a strong basis for this.

DP6 and Zenber won the EU tender for the new building with a vision that makes connections: between history, present and future, between landscapes and building, between municipal employees and residents and between the seven villages belonging to the municipality. The new building raises awareness of the common cultural and natural heritage, and forms a new layer in time that forms the identity of the municipality of Rheden.

DP6 and Zenber are currently working with the municipality on the design of the new town hall. Integral sustainability and a high degree of flexibility will play an important role in the design, so that the new town hall can continue to respond to future developments.

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